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How to get AdSense approval under 7 Days

How to get AdSense Approval Quickly? Short tricks for AdSense Approval .

For My better experience and quick AdSense Approval, Please choose a great domain from a hosting plateform like GoDaddy, Hostinager, Hiox India, etc.. If you are a beginner then nothing to worry! we'll help you to get AdSense Approval Quickly, you just follow some instructions provide by us.

Here We'll Provide to all blogger users and WordPress users (Beginners and Who face trouble to get AdSense Approval After purchasing A Domain). 

From our experience, if you are a Blogger User, then you should buy a custom perfect domain for your site because nowadays yourdomain.blogspot.com site getting AdSense Approval is rare and it's too late to get AdSense Approval on above subdomain. So, it's better to buy a custom domain from a domain hosting plateform.

Most of blogger users search low price domain for first year. So, I prefer you a better hosting plateform on low price is HIOX India . HIOX INDIA provide low price domain: .in, .com, .com.in, .co.in are on low price.

After purchasing A good domain name, place domain map on that platform and blogger. If you are don't know how to connect custom domain on blogger? then please Read this Article: Custom Domain connect with Blogger. 

After connecting Custom Domain Name with Blogger (yourdomain.blogspot.com) Your first step is Create Important pages : Privacy Policy through Privacy Policy Generator, Create Disclaimer, Create About Us, Create Contact Us, Create Sitemap

After Creating Pages, add this page links on your website root leave or top link on your site. How to Add important page link on website Footer or top of the Site ? After successfully adding all page links, Start to create your unic post.

You must Follow some important Criteria given below:

  1. Create atleast 6 Relevant categories or tags or labels
  2. Add 20+ Fresh Articles
  3. Every Article must have atleast 1000+ words.
  4. Add Your Blog/Site On Google Webmaster/ Google Search Console
  1. Use Proper Theme: Blogger (Notable) WordPress (ColorMag)
  2. After Theme Uploading , Fix Navigation Errors

If You are a Blogger User then follow some criteria, which may given above clearly. Than you.

Blogspot users! .blogspot.com subdomain also get approval from Google Adsense but it's possible on rare sites, it must required high ranking keyword content and 1000+ word containing articles, but it takes some long duration to get approval.

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